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Order Status (Under Construction)

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General Status

Update 3/24/25 - Back from vacation!  I made the decision to hold off on making new pads since I've about a week or 2 late on the pre-order initial projection.  I will focus efforts on making sleeves this week to catch up.  Hoping my real job isn't nuts after taking a week off...

1 / MR Pre-Order Status

Update 3/27/25 - I did not realize my eshop software continued to update inventory when I filled preorders so my upper limit shut off was never engaged.  Didn't realize this until today so we have exceeded my intended limit by a significant amount.  I also found the error in the code for the automated review email so apologies about that nonsense.  God damn mouth breather....

I am still a bit limited by my real job unable to do 3 short shifts a day so I am roughly at 25 sleeves per day.  I'm going to hold off on pad orders until I get the majority of the sleeves done from the pre-order (sorry pumpers).  It will likely be another 3-4 weeks until I finish all orders.  The orders from Feb 17 and 18 are roughly 25% of total orders remaining so I apologize to you guys for the delay.  Should take me about a week to complete remaining orders from these 2 first days.  I apologize in advance for all the wait but the good news is my process is faster than it used to be and without pad orders I'll move faster.

2 / Weekly Pad Order Status

Update 3/24/25 - Pads from 3/3 are finished and out the door.  I will put pad orders on hold until I near completion of the pre-order sleeves.

3 / Prototype Status

Linear Rail Extender (The Erec-tion Set? Name TBD)

I hated everything about the knob and head phones style breaking system once tension got above 8 lbs.  So I am currently redesigning everything besides the base.  I designed some nylon thumb screws to use as set screws for things that need to stop.  It's much easier to have that centered on the rail rather than offset and adding torque/friction.  I'm still testing things out trying to eliminate slop from some of the rail fittings to keep things sliding smooth.


2" ID Universal Reinforced Pad

I just upgraded my 1.75" molds and it makes things much easier for me.  Removes that ugly giant sprue I have to cut and allows me to move to injection rather than open pour.  I'm also going to remove the 20A top sleeve to have it be all the same material.  Should save me some time.  Also, I'm stopping sanding my molds.  I've improved the print quality so it comes out with a bit better surface finish straight from the printer.  Colors are brighter. Minor surface blemishes are not something we should concern ourselves with in PE. The 2" design is going to be just an upsizing of the 1.35-1.75" universal (1.5"ID, I should probably just fucking call it that).  Hope to get that prototyped by next week.



I'm thinking about moving all my sleeves to 2A.  It's not very noticeably firmer unless you have them side by side then you can slightly tell.  The stretch is the same but the tensile and tear strengths are improved.  It should help with the Diver's Helmet method and also some of the few sleeve tears people have had from the outer cup and inner girth sleeves


Ultrasound Related "Dick-O-Matic 3000" Ideas

I posted on the phalback DIY Discord channel about some things.  I'll post them here eventually.





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